April 4, 2019 4:15 am
Published by Mark Maddern
Paving the way to an election Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has delivered a ‘back in the black’ Budget aimed squarely at voters, stressing the Morrison Government’s commitment to financial discipline and low taxes. As expected, the Treasurer signaled sweeping tax cuts and major infrastructure spending if the Coalition wins the upcoming federal election widely expected to be held in May. This... View Article
February 23, 2019 12:44 am
Published by Mark Maddern
Ever looked at a friend who has everything together and thought ‘what’s their secret?’ Here are five habits you can implement to achieve financial security. Believe it or not, being secure financially doesn’t involve magic or an outrageous stroke of luck. More often than not, it results from good habits, such as keeping track of your finances, cutting back on... View Article
November 22, 2018 11:57 pm
Published by Mark Maddern
Superannuation is a long-term financial relationship. It begins with our first job, grows during our working life and hopefully supports us through our old age. Throughout your super journey you will experience the ups and downs of bull and bear markets so it’s important to keep your eye on the long term. The earlier you get to know your super... View Article
September 17, 2018 4:56 am
Published by Mark Maddern
Millennials are often accused of living for the present and wasting their money on smashed avocado. So it may come as a surprise that younger Australians are at the vanguard of a growing movement committed to the old-fashioned virtues of thrift and saving, but with a modern twist. Whereas the mantra of the Baby Boomers in the 1960s was ‘turn... View Article
August 14, 2018 3:32 am
Published by Mark Maddern
New Year is traditionally the season of fresh starts and personal resolutions. Along with diet and exercise, getting ahead financially makes it onto many wish lists year in and year out. But a brighter financial future is likely to remain a pipedream without a back-up if things don’t go to plan. While setting goals is an important element in your... View Article
August 1, 2018 3:54 am
Published by Mark Maddern
One of the major themes for local investors in 2018 is the fall in the Australian dollar, and it’s not just Aussie travellers heading overseas who are affected. Currency movements can have a big impact on your investment returns, but where there’s risk there’s also opportunity. The Aussie dollar has dropped from a high of US81c in January to recent... View Article
July 9, 2018 11:34 pm
Published by Mark Maddern
The end of the financial year is the cue for most of us to look at our financial position heading into tax time. Hopefully you’ve made progress towards your goals. But if you find that your expenses are trending higher than you’d like or—shock, horror!—higher than your income, this could be the perfect time for a fiscal makeover. This year... View Article
May 9, 2018 5:02 am
Published by Mark Maddern
In what is likely to be the final Budget before the Federal Election, tax cuts are again being used to woo voters. The centrepiece of the May 2018 Budget is a new 7-year personal tax plan consisting of a three-step process involving immediate tax relief, protection from bracket creep and simplification of the tax system. Personal tax cuts The initial... View Article
January 23, 2018 1:29 pm
Published by Mark Maddern
Ever look back on past New Year’s resolutions and notice they failed, not with a bang, but with a whimper? There was no dramatic quitting of that new class and no midnight burger binge. Instead, time just gets away from us. Other priorities come into our life. We just forget. There’s one type of professional for whom that’s just not... View Article
December 31, 2017 1:25 am
Published by Mark Maddern
The sun is shining, the days are getting longer, flowers are in bloom, the department stores are having post Christmas sales… yes, 2018 is finally here! The Christmas and New Year holiday period is a great time for reflection on the year that has passed, but also a chance to plan the year to come. Most people will take the... View Article