Tag Archive: covid19

Investing lessons from the pandemic

When the coronavirus pandemic hit financial markets in March 2020, almost 40 per cent was wiped off the value of shares in less than a month.i Understandably, many investors hit the panic button and switched to cash or withdrew savings from superannuation. With the benefit of hindsight, some people may be regretting acting in haste. Although for others, accessing their super... View Article

Federal Budget 2020-21 Analysis

Building a bridge to recovery In what has been billed as one of the most important budgets since the Great Depression, and the first since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic dragged Australia into its first recession in almost 30 years, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said the next phase of the journey is to secure Australia’s future. As expected, the focus... View Article

Keeping the Economy Moving

The Morrison Government’s mind-bogglingly large support packages to get Australians through the COVID-19 shutdown have dominated headlines, and rightly so. Only months ago, the Australian economy was in relatively good shape and headed for a Budget surplus. It’s not just the Government that has swung into action. Behind the scenes, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has also pulled out... View Article

The Economic Stimulus Package: Instant asset write-off threshold increase explained

A key part of the government’s economic response to the coronavirus is to support business investment and cashflow by increasing the instant asset write off threshold and eligibility rules. But while the instant asset write-off has been around for several years, many small businesses haven’t taken advantage of them. So what is the instant asset write-off (IAW) and how can it help... View Article

Salary relief throws lifeline to businesses

If you’re wondering how you will manage the enormous business challenges presented by the COVID-19 crisis, the Australian Government has announced unprecedented assistance to help businesses of all sizes manage their cashflow and retain their employees. In a $130 billion assistance package announced on 30 March 2020, the government rolled out a six-month wage subsidy scheme designed to help employers... View Article

Coronavirus safety net expanded

In a rapidly evolving response to the spread of COVID-19, the Federal Government’s second support package announced over the weekend has flicked the switch to more income support for retirees and workers. Between the first $17.6 billion package announced on March 12, and this latest $66.1 billion package, the emphasis has shifted from stimulus aimed at keeping businesses up and... View Article