Categories for Property

Mortgage vs super

With interest rates on the rise and investment returns increasingly volatile, Australians with cash to spare may be wondering how to make the most of it. If you have a mortgage, should you make extra repayments or would you be better off in the long run boosting your super? The answer is, it depends. Your personal circumstances, interest rates, tax... View Article

Six ways to pay off your mortgage faster

Paying off your mortgage early will save you money and take a financial load off your shoulders. Here are some ways to get rid of your mortgage debt faster. Switch to fortnightly payments If you’re currently paying monthly, consider switching to fortnightly repayments. By paying half the monthly amount every two weeks you’ll make the equivalent of an extra month’s... View Article

A Helping Hand onto the Property Ladder

Buying your first home is always a big step, but with property prices rising faster than pay packets taking that first step seems more challenging than ever. National house prices rose 20 per cent in the year to September, the fastest growth since 1989. Higher prices have also fanned out from capital cities to the regions, as city folk discover... View Article